Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Teething & Screaming & Wind Oh My!

I'd thought he'd been teething for about a month now and the Dr confirmed it. Those bastard teeth have been up and down more times than Teddy had walked 'round and 'round the garden.  Hubby asked a colleague at work when their bubs began teething-4 months, then he asked when did they come through?  9 months... !!! His response was gold; I don't think we can handle another 5 months of this! ! Haha. Right you are darling. screaming is unbearable. After thinking it's wind pains and giving that goody medicine we find he keeps screaming FUUUUUUUUCK ok, ok must be teeth, gel, check.....screaming.  Panadol, check. ..still screaming. ..FUUUUUUUUUCK MEEEE! Ok, ok try some nurofen -meanwhile we're both looking like frazzled, disheveled Banshies thinking; are we overdosing our baby? The screams continue and it's been about two and a half hours on and off. Settled one minute, screaming the next. ..and so the pattern continues. Almost 4 hours later bubs finally gives in and goes the heck to sleep. Ugh. Exhaustion has long been my frenemy with sleep regression of every two hours overnight and feeding almost hourly during the day and yes thanks he's being fussy and refuses to take any more milk at the time.  Pfft, at least I can still count on one hand how many times I've worn my clothes inside out and back to front. I did walk into the men's loos instead of the ladies last week and even wondered why they'd put a urinal in a ladies toilet! ! 😂