Tuesday, 29 November 2011


Seems like another day...I don't feel there's much point getting out of bed, and i don't really want to, except to have breakfast.  It's after lunch and I'm still un-showered in my pj's and haven't brushed my teeth for 2 days now...I think its 2 days, I can't remember brushing them yesterday i know I definitely brushed them Sunday! Maybe I'll brush them later...God I'm so disgusting

I've been lower than usual for over 5 months now.  Just when I feel a reprieve from the burden, the tears flow for an unknown reason.  It's not that I'll be contemplating anything in particular, they just come...

1 comment:

  1. Wow you just described the actions of my day! I was on the couch unshowered in my pyjamas when I read this. I however had done my approximate four-daily teeth clean this morning, haha.
    But I guess my difference is that I'm not feeling bad about it at all. Sometimes you just need a good rest because you deserve it. And to be honest, as a carer and someone who is recovering from depression, I unashamedly take this kind of rest more days than not. Because I deserve it, and I need it.
    Can I tell you that you deserve it too? Being a nurse is a tough, demanding, and honourable job, much harder than my job! I give you permission to do all the recharging you need, how ever often you need, and to not feel the slightest amount of guilt about it. And you're certainly not disgusting, you're beautiful and have an amazing heart.
    I still sometimes feel like the way I recharge is a waste of time and this in turn starts to impact on my identity and how I view myself. But screw that, this is simply how I recuperate from being so damn amazing the rest of the time ;-)
    Bless ya Kelliscious, I look forward to further blogs and vents, and I hope that expressing yourself in this way really has a positive impact.
